Monday, 18 February 2013

Girls championship dates 2013

Put these on your calenders please
Border Girls Championship 11th May 1pm Cardrona
Border Girls matchplay   15th September Hirsel (top 4 scratch qualifiers from strokeplay in May)

Sunday, 10 February 2013

SOSGGA Spring Medal 10th April Lochmaben

Spring medal will be held at Lochmaben Golf Club on 10th April at 10am
Entry £4
Please let Fiona or Marjorie know if you would like to play

Friendly matches

Hi girls - could you let me know if you are available and would like to play in the following friendly matches
Midlothian on 10th March at Eyemouth and
East Lothian on 17th March at Roxburghe

Fiona Ker (07738 521157)